QUEM DÁ MAIS? - “Não estou à venda”, diz modelo que foi pedida em casamento em troca de 200 camelos



A modelo Dora Rodriguez está passando o período de quarentena, por conta do novo coronavírus, em Dubai, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos. Recentemente, ela, que foi finalista do Miss Universo Canadá e também capa da revista Playboy, na edição da África do Sul, chamou atenção na mídia após revelar que foi pedida em casamento em troca de 200 camelos.

Dora comentou sobre as dificuldades que tem enfrentado para lidar com o assédio dos internautas nas redes sociais. “Estou recebendo centenas de pedidos de casamento por dia, eu não tenho mais paz! Eu não quero me casar tão cedo, nem com todo o dinheiro do mundo! Não estou à venda”, desabafou.

Ela ainda contou que pensa em desativar as redes sociais para evitar novos pedidos. “Bloquear minhas redes será a decisão mais difícil da minha vida, mas se atrapalha a minha paciência, não terei outra alternativa”, disse.

Confira posts da modelo no Instagram abaixo:















[Body positive] I wanted to share a little personal story. I used to be very self-conscious about the shape of my body. As a latina, I’ve always had very wide hips. Growing up, I saw thin models on the covers of my favorite magazines, and would get sad that I didn’t have a “straight down” figure. That’s what I used to call it. 🤣 But overtime, I’ve learned to ‘accept’ my body. Do I love and adore my body? Well, I believe there is always room for improvement, and I thrive to improve each day. But I do accept the fact that I’m a curvaceous woman and “straight down” I will never be... So I want to tell everyone out there to learn to love and accept yourself. I’m not advertising being complacent or unhealthy guising it as positive self-love. You should always try to be as healthy as you can, understanding that non of us are perfect. I’m also not bashing plastic surgery. (I’ve had breast augmentation surgery, even if it looks very natural). Do what makes you happy, without hurting others! My point is, try to be happy and not too hard on yourself! And remember: Non of us are perfect, we all have good and bad days, days of feeling beautiful, and days of feeling ‘less than.’ And as @tyrabanks would say “that’s ok!” 📸 @gabrielrphotography | 💄 @dubaimakeupartist | 👙 @ohpolly

Uma publicação compartilhada por 🤪 #LockedUpWithDora (@dorarodriguez.es) em 23 de Mai, 2020 às 12:45 PDT















[#LockedUpWithDora 🎥] On today’s episode of the quarantine mini-series “Locked up with Dora,” I’d love to share my most recent quarantine offer from a wealthy Muslim fan. I was recently offered to partake in Nika Mut’ah, the very legal and very real concept of “temporary marriage” that is practiced in Twelver Sia Islam, and my dowry was to be 200 upper-echelon camels. The duration of the marriage was to be as long as the quarantine goes on. As flattered as I am, since I’m not sure where I would park my newfound 200 camels, I respectfully had to decline. 🐪🐪🐪 I’m now kicking myself since I realized each camel costs about $75,000 which adds up to about $15M. Next time, please offer to put the value of the camels in a trust for me, and to invite me over for a tea to get to know each other first, and I might consider it further 🤣 (I’m joking, relax 🙃) P.S. I must warn you that @Playboy cover models tend to be just as ‘bitchy’ as regular wives. But I understand the ‘allure’ of getting to tell the world you were married to a Playboy cover model, so you might overlook “the crazy” 🤪♥️🙏🏼 (photo & video are throwbacks).

Uma publicação compartilhada por 🤪 #LockedUpWithDora (@dorarodriguez.es) em 17 de Mai, 2020 às 2:39 PDT

Fonte: ISTOÉ  

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